About this course
Hospitality, especially hospitality to the stranger and the marginalized, is a recurring theme in Scripture and a significant component in the New Testament’s picture of ethics, community, and Christian maturity. Scholars have in recent years used hospitality as a lens for thinking about a range of topics, including civic and religious diversity, incarceration, education, community, intercultural learning, and disability. This module explores these connections: how can the theme of hospitality to strangers serve as a vehicle for connecting faith and learning in higher education?

During the module, you will explore biblical texts and recent theological discussions that address the theme of hospitality. You will also learn about current scholarly projects from colleagues in a range of disciplines that draw upon a Christian concern for hospitality. You will hear a student perspective, encounter the work of Christian scholars from a range of countries, and have the opportunity to begin developing implications for your own work in higher education. A certificate of completion is available when all course tasks have been completed.