Our Learning Goals
We seek to enhance the capacity of Christians working in higher education as they relate their faith to their scholarship, teaching, leadership, and service. We hope that each module will help you grow more confident that you can fruitfully and with academic integrity draw upon your Christian commitments in your work.
How We Approach Learning
Reflecting Faith is not just a resource bank, but a process designed to foster reflection, growth, and changed practice.
Focusing on the connections between faith and learning.
Gathering around key texts and hearing one another.
Slowing down to look again and dig deeper.
Exploring concrete instances of what colleagues are doing.
Not just ideas, but connections to how we live and work.

Where We Stand
Reflecting Faith grows out of a Reformed, Protestant tradition of Christianity marked by a commitment to take seriously the life of the mind and to explore the implications of Christian commitments for all of life. However, we also draw from many strands of Christianity and welcome Christians of all traditions.
Our Course Participants
Learn alongside fellow educators from all around the world.

Who We Are
Reflecting Faith is developed and hosted by the de Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development at Calvin University, a leading Christian liberal arts university located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

Dr. Matthew Lundberg

Dr. David Smith

Laurie Lemmen

Margie Styf